Friday, June 26, 2009

Transition Management Consulting To Assume Day-To-Day Operations of NOMMA


June 26, 2009

Contact Information
John L. Fiegel, CAE
Interim Executive Director
888-516-8585, ext. 105

MCDONOUGH, GA — The National Ornamental & Miscellaneous Metals Association’s Board of Directors has decided to replace its long-serving executive director, Barbara Cook, with an interim executive director, John Fiegel from Transition Management Consulting Inc., to run the day-to-day operations as it searches for a new leader for the 51-year-old organization.
The NOMMA Board thanks Barbara Cook for her many years of service, and we wish her well on her future endeavors.

NOMMA, headquartered in McDonough, Ga., was formed in 1958 to serve the ornamental and miscellaneous metals industry. NOMMA’s members produce a wide range of ornamental and miscellaneous metalwork, ranging from railings to driveway gates, and from sculpture to light structural steel. NOMMA provides a variety of educational services to the industry, including an annual trade show and convention, glossy trade magazine, continuing education classes, technical bulletins, and more.